Passenger and Crew Lost with the Steamship Portland

When the steamship Portland sank on November 27, 1898, all onboard perished. Unfortunately, the exact magnitude of the human loss cannot be determined as the only passenger list went down with the steamship. Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary staff and research partners are attempting to discern the true dimensions of the disaster through historical and archaeological studies.

The following information is based upon various Maine and Massachusetts newspapers, documents in historical societies and maritime museums around New England, court papers held by the National Archives Northeast Region in Waltham, MA, and the book Four Short Blasts: The Gale of 1898 and the Loss of the Steamer Portland by Peter Dow Bachelder and Mason Philip Smith.

A boston herald headline about steamship portland reading 'all perished' A boston globe headline about steamship portland reading '100 lost'

Headlines from the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald report the tragic sinking of the Portland with all hands.


63 in number with 16 bodies recovered

Last Name Title First Name Middle Name Race Occupation
Allen Mr. Henry George Black Porter
Barron Mr. Matthew   White Deckhand
Berry Mrs. Marjorie A. Black Second Stewardess
Blake Mr. Rodney S. White Watchman
Blanchard Mr. Hollis Horace White Captain/Master
Bruse Mr. Denis White Deckhand
Carter Mr. Allen H. White Fireman
Cash Mr. William H. Black Saloonman
Collins* Mr. Peter Lewis White Deckhand
Cropley Mr. George H. White Deckhand
Crozier Mr. John White Deckhand
Daley Mr. John  - White Deckboy
Dauphinee Mr. Everett White Deckhand
Davidson Mr. James White Deckhand
Dillon* Mr. John Albert White Oiler
Doughty Mr. William J. White Fireman
Dyer* Mr. Ansel Lewis White Quartermaster
Foreman Mr. Lee Black Steam Tableman
Gately Mr. John K. White Fireman
Gatling Mr. Alexander Black Saloonman
Graham* Mr. George H. Black Cabinman
Graham Mr. Maurice James Unk Deckhand
Harris Mrs. Carrie E. M. Black Stewardess
Hartley Mr. Richard Unk  Deckhand
Hemenway Mr. William Alexander Black Cabinman
Heuston Mr. Francis Eben Black Second Steward
Howard Mr. Stephen Black Cook
Ingraham Mr. Frederick A. White Purser
Johnson Mr. Arthur E. Black Saloon Watchman
Jones* Mr. John F. Black Second Cook
Latimer* Mr. William E. Black  Head Saloonman
Leighton Mr. Franklin W. White Electrician
MacGillivray Mr. George T. White  Deckhand
MacKey* Mr. John White First/Second Mate
Matthews* Mr. Alonzo V. Black Steward
McNeil Mr. James J. White Oiler
Merrill Mr. Thomas B. White First Engineer
Merrill Mr. Charles L. White Assistant Engineer
Merriman Mr. Hugh H. White Fireman
Minott* Mr. Michael Black Saloonman
Mondary* Mr. Thomas Unk Saloon Watchman
Moore Mr. Horace C. White Clerk
Mundrucu* Mr. Theodore M. Black Saloon Watchman
Nelson Mr. Lewis Martin White Second Pilot
Norton Mr. George A. White Deckhand
O'Brien Mr. Cornelius White  Deckhand
Oxley Mr. Ernest Black Pantryman
Patterson Mr. Frank A. White Second Mate
Pennell* Mr. Thomas H. White Fireman
Pinna* Mr. Roland J. Black Cabinman
Reed Mr. Griffin S. Black Cabin Watch
Robicheau Mr. Winthrop P. White Baggage Master
Rollinson* Mr. Harry C. White Fireman
Sewall Mr. Thomas White Watchman
Sloan Mr. Arthur White Deckhand
Smith Mr. Fred White Deckhand
Smith* Mr. Samuel Henry Black Hallman
Stanley Mr. James White Deckhand
Thompson Mr. William G. A. White Cabinman
Walton* Mr. John Tuck White Second Engineer
Whitten Mr. John C. White Watchman
Williams Mr. James Black After Cabin Watch
Wills Mr. Fred A. Black Third Cook


130 in number with 35 bodies recovered

Last Name Title First Name Middle Name City of Residence State of Residence
Allen* Mr. Frederick H Portland ME
Atamian Mr. George Portland ME
Baker Mrs. Beulah Mosley Portland ME
Beardsworth Mr. William Boothbay ME
Bemis Mr. Walter L Portland ME
Bemis* Mrs. Cora Vosmus Portland ME
Bonney Mr. Alonzo George Portland ME
Briggs Mr. Portland ME
Brown* Mr. Fred A Portland ME
Buckminster Mr. Joseph Yarmouth ME
Carroll Mrs. J A Portland ME
Chase Mr. William Livingston Portland ME
Chase Master Philip Adams Portland ME
Chickering* Mrs. Abbie C Portland ME
Clark Mr. Albert Portland ME
Cobb Miss Emily L Boston MA
Cohen* Mr. Solomon Portland ME
Cole Mr. George W Weymouth MA
Collins* Miss Elizabeth M A Weymouth MA
Cottreau* Mr. Charles C Worcester MA
Curtis Miss Elixabeth Worcester MA
Daly Mr. Jerry Woodfords ME
Delaney Mr. George Edward Woodfords ME
Dennis* Mrs. Ezekiel Woodfords ME
Doherty Mr. John Chelsea MA
Dunbar Mr. Albert Burke Chelsea MA
Dwyer W East Boston MA
Dyer N J Easton ME
Dyer* Mr. Charles G Easton ME
Edmunds* Mrs. Jennie G East Boston MA
Edwards Mr. Lawrence S. Portland ME
Flower Mr. James W S. Portland ME
Flower* Mr. Charles S. Portland ME
Foden Mrs. Rachael Portland ME
Foden Mr. Robert Portland ME
Fowler Mr. Frederick Portland ME
Freeman* Honorable Dudley Elias Woodfords ME
Frye Mr. Isaiah Portland ME
Frye Miss Ruth Portland ME
Galley Mr. John G Brookline MA
Gatchell Mr. Dennis Osborne Portland ME
Gately Mrs. Ellen Driscoll Portland ME
Gibson Mr. George P Portland ME
Goggin Mr. A A Portland ME
Gosselin* Mr. Alphonso Portland ME
Hanley Mr. Matthew Portland ME
Hanson Mr. William S. Portland ME
Heald Miss Rowena M Gorham ME
Hersom Mr. Arthur F Cumberland  ME
Hersom Mrs. Arthur F E. Deering ME
Holmes* Miss Sophie B Marlboro ME
Hooper* Mr. Oren Marlboro ME
Hooper* Master Carl Lewiston ME
Hoyt Miss Cynthia J Providence RI
Ingraham* Miss Madge Auburndale MA
Jackson Mr. Perry Ligonia ME
Jackson Mrs. Lillian Auburn ME
Jackson Mr. Malcolm Auburn ME
Kelley* Miss Susan Annie Somerville MA
Kennedy Mr. William Boston MA
Kenniston* Mr. George B S. Portland ME
Kinyon* Miss Florence Muriel Portland ME
Kirby Mr. Timothy Portland ME
Langthorne Miss Helen M Lowell MA
Leighton Mrs. Diana Gilbert Manchester NH
Leighton Mr. Ora L Gorham ME
Lord Mrs. Hattie A Boston MA
Mann* Mr. John G Malden MA
Matthews Mr. Albert S Portland ME
Matthews Mrs. Albert Everett MA
Matthews St John Nova Scotia
McGilvery D W Roxbury ME
McGowen Miss Lilla Portland ME
McKenney Mrs. Lowell MA
McMullen Miss Jennie G Portland ME
Metcalf* Mr. Lewis J Portland ME
Mitchell* Mrs. Cornelia N Gloucester MA
Morong* Miss Faith Cincinnati OH
Mosher* Mr. William J Cincinnati OH
Munn Mr. William Frederick Portland ME
Murphy Mr. John J Auburn ME
Murphy Mr. John H Westbrook ME
O'Connell* Mr. John Auburn ME
Piche* Mr. Jules Procul Suffield CT
Plympton* Miss Emma L Boston MA
Pratt Mrs. Hannah Portland ME
Pratt Miss Amy Portland ME
Prescott Mr. George Luther Portland ME
Proctor* Mr. Warren Scott Boston MA
Revenal Mr. Theodore Auburn ME
Reynolds Miss Alice Bangor ME
Richardson Mr. Frank F Albany NY
Roche Mr. William Henry Montreal Canada
Roddy Mr. James Bath ME
Rounds* Mrs. Agnes Bath ME
Safford Mrs. Miranda
Schmidt Mr. Jes Jessen Montreal Canada
Schmidt Mrs. Jessine Auburn ME
Schmidt Mr. Jorgen Jessen ME
Schmidt Mr. Anton Scarboro
Sherwood Mr. Frederick R
Silverstaine Mr. Louis Boston MA
Silverstaine Mr. Harry Portland ME
Small Mr. Myrton L Portland ME
Smith Mr. Harry Cambridge MA
Stanley Mr. James
Sullivan Mrs. John Brunswick ME
Swift Miss Ella M Bath ME
Sykes* Miss Maud Portland ME
Tetrow Miss Annie Hanson MA
Thompson Mr. Charles H Deering ME
Thompson Mrs. Susan E Hartford CT
Thompson Miss Gladys M Rockland ME
Tibbets Mr. Charles A Berlin NH
Timmons* Mrs. Elmira B Yarmouth NS
Tinkham* Mr. Charles C Reading MA
Totten* Miss Eva M Boston MA
Tucker Miss Alice Bath ME
Tupper Mr. James Henry Portland ME
Turner Mr. Augustus R Philadelphia PA
Turner Mrs. Augustus Yarmouth Nova Scotia
Twombly Mrs. Ella Portland ME
VanGuysling C E Portland ME
Welch Mrs. Mary Brewer ME
Wheeler* Mrs. Eunice Augusta Portland ME
White Mr. Horace Portland ME
Wiggin Mr. Charles Portland ME
Wildes Mr. Alonzo F Portland ME
Wilson Mr. Frank I Lisbon ME
Young Mr. Henry De Merritt Windsor Nova Scotia

Additional 52 Names of Passengers Possibly Onboard

Last Name Title First Name Middle Name City of Residence State of Residence


Mrs. Theodore Marlboro ME
Allen Miss Marlboro ME
Allen Mr. Frank A. Boston MA
Baker Miss Hattie Suffield CT
Beauphine E Lowell MA
Bolton Jane Portland ME
Brooks Mr. George Auburn ME
Burke Mr. William Henry Portland ME
Clark Miss Edna Cincinnati OH
Clark Miss Eva Auburn ME
Cleveland Mr. A W. Boston MA
Cleveland Mrs. Malden MA
Cleveland Everett MA
Cole Miss Lewiston ME
Colen S Auburn ME
Condon Mrs. Rachael Philadelphia PA
Condon Mr. Yarmouth Nova Scotia
Coy Mrs. Kate Auburndale MA
Crockett Miss Nellie St John Canada
Crosby Mr. Harry ME
Evans Mr. Ingalls E. Yarmouth NS
Flaherty Mr. Michael Rockland ME
Foster Mr. A B. Montreal Canada
Goulding Mr. Richard Cambridge MA
Heald Mr. George Gloucester MA
Heald Mrs. Cincinnati OH
Hooper H True Ligonia ME
Houston Portland ME
Houston Portland ME
Kennedy A D. Hartford CT
Kenney Mrs. M
Kirby Mrs. M Portland ME
Lester Mr. George Montreal Canada
Lewis Mr. Harry Portland ME
Lindsay J E. Auburn ME
Lindsey Mr. Malcolm W. Boston MA
MacGilvray Mr. George T. Auburn ME
Moe Mr. Joe Boston MA
Potter M H. Brewer ME
Richardson E H. Portland ME
Rounds Miss Anna Portland ME
Sewell M L. Providence RI
Stone Mr. Walter I. Reading MA
Stucker Miss Alice Brunswick ME
Swift Mrs. Alice Manchester NH
Sylvester Mr. Harry A. Boston MA
Thompson Mrs. George R. Berlin NH
Wakefield W P. Portland ME
Walton J D. Auburn ME
Wayley Mrs. Augusta Westbrook ME
Welch Mrs. James S. Portland ME
Wheeler Mr. Fred Gorham ME

* Passengers or crew whose body was reported as washed ashore on Cape Cod. Newspapers often reported conflicting information about the identity of a body. Ultimately, some bodies could not be identified.

The above information is a compilation of all names associated with having been aboard the Portland on its last voyage. An attempt has been made to eliminate individuals who were initially reported as lost with the steamship, but were subsequently reported as not having been aboard. These lists are a work in progress and should not be considered exhaustive nor error free. It is the sanctuary's hope that persons having information about an ancestor listed above would contact the sanctuary so that the information may be refined. As research progresses along this track, information about individual people will be added. Please visit this webpage periodically to learn more about our ancestors and the nation's maritime heritage.