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2012 Scientific Illustration
Here are the award winners and honorable mentions
1st Place: Jonah Crab. Morgan O’Connell, age 16, grade 10, Milton Academy
2nd Place: Green Sea Turtle. Kenna Melkonian, age 16, grade 11, Falmouth HS
3rd Place: Acadian Redfish. Maddie Dalton, age 17, grade 11, Falmouth HS
4th Place: Humpback Mother and Calf. Jack Lothrop, age 16, grade 10, Dover-Sherborn Regional HS
5th Place: White Shark. Shelby Rexroad, age 17, grade 11, Plymouth South HS
6th Place: Butterfish. Sienna Condon, age 16, grade 10, Plymouth South HS
6th Place: Halibut. Hanchu Z., age 12, grade 5, Yang Mythos International School, Jiangsu, China
6th Place: Wolffish. Wang X., age 8, grade 2, Yang Mythos Education, Shenzhen
6th Place: Herring Gull. Yihan Y., age 10, grade 4, Yang Mythos International School, Jiangsu, China
HM: Hermit Crab. Haley Peterson, age 16, grade 10, Plymouth South HS
HM: Sea Turtle. Jack Trowbridge, age 17, grade 12, Falmouth HS
HM: Wolffish. Tommy Ready, age 18, grade 12, Plymouth South HS
HM: Lumpfish. George C., age 12, grade 6, Bourne Middle School
HM: Striped Bass. Jacob P., age 12, grade 6, Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School
HM: Red Hake. Kyle C., age 12, grade 6, Bourne Middle School
HM: Herring. Nick B., age 12, grade 6, Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School, Orleans
HM: Mackerel School. Nolan E., age 11, grade 6, Bourne Middle School
HM: Salmon. Richard T., age 11, grade 5, Harrington School, Lexington
HM: Sea Turtle. Trevor W., age 12, grade 6, Bourne Middle School
HM: Shark. Adel Z., age 9, grade 4, NurOrda International School, Astana, Kazakhstan
HM: Entangled Whale. Alexandra D., age 9, grade 4, Southbrook Academy, Bridgewater
HM: Flounder. Emma M., age 8, grade 2, Station Avenue Elementary School, So. Yarmouth
HM: Young Gull. Jieying Y., age 9, grade 3, Yang Mythos International School, Jiangsu, China
HM: Squid. Josiah G., age 7, grade 1, Homeschool, Harwichport
HM: Loggerhead. Katherine P., age 10, grade 4, William H. Taylor School, New Bedford
HM: Wolffish. Oscar B., age 9, grade 3, Lesley Ellis School, Arlington
HM: Atlantic Cod. Taylor J., age 8, grade 2, Station Avenue Elementary School, So. Yarmouth